Boo Quilt

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HAPPY HALLOWEEN! 😂😂😂😂 Ok, this post is obviously wayyyyyy late for Halloween, but I want to share it anyways. I'm super into quilting right now and I feel like I better share this one before I jump into posting about my others.

Quilt Pattern: Orange Dot Quilts "Heat Wave."
Fabric: Cotton and Steel in last season's Halloween line, "Boo," because I am sooooo last season 😜 Fabric kit was purchased from Picking Daisies in San Luis Obispo, but then I saw some different prints at Birch Fabrics and I swapped them. I'm a sucker for anything Cotton and Steel, especially Halloween fabric, so it was hard to choose the fabrics.
Thread: Black. If I'm going to use black thread to quilt, it should be for a Halloween quilt, yeah?

Dora, the designer behind Orange Dot Quilts, is a friend of mine and I feel kind of fangirlish when I see her. I LOVE her patterns and she is genuinely the nicest person ever, which makes buying her stuff even more satisfying. Heat Wave, designed by her during a heatwave and sewn by me during melting temperatures that I am still annoyed about if you couldn't tell, was a simple one to piece together. I dedicated one night to cutting the fabrics, one day to sewing the top, and a few days to getting the whole thing quilted together.

Time wise this thing ended up taking a few months from start to finish due to my quilting indecision. I wasn't sure if I wanted to stitch in the ditch or sew on the diagonal, which would make my stitches very visible in the black thread. Then I figured I'd just go hard with the black thread and quilt on the diagonal being that it would go with the theme of Halloween/my life. I first quilted about 3/8 inch on either side of the seam, realized that it looked too shaky, and then measured the rest of my stitching from the side of the presser foot. The stitches look more confident if that even makes sense.

I'm happy with this, Halloween rules, and no, I'm not sharing it with anyone in my house mwahaha!

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