Friday, January 22, 2021

Make Nine

Every year my good friend, Rochelle, hosts a Make Nine Challenge. I've joined a few times in the past, but have never fully completed all nine projects. This year is going to be different, I'm joining in AND completing everything. Aren't you soooooo excited?!?!?

What's different about this time around (on your end) is that I'm not making concrete declarations on the specific patterns I'm using. In the photo above there are some loose guidelines, but there will be no declarations of "I'M MAKING THE NEW GRAINLINE JACKET." No hate to Grainline (only hearts hearts hearts), and I have no idea if they have a new jacket pattern coming out, but I'm not committing to a brand/pattern/fabric. As soon as commitments combine with hobbies it seems like homework and the excitement dims. No, chores or homework, thanks.

Starting off 2021 with a big ✔ on the list. Here is my interpretation of "something drapey." Literally from the book Drape Drape 3 which means it's legit drapey. Since I hoard black fabric I have no idea where it's from, how much it cost, or what it is. For sure, it's some sort of jersey, but that's all I've got.

Dean was helping with the poses if you couldn't tell. He loves the sleeves as much as I do. He doesn't care about the sloppy top stitching around the neckline, the fact that neckline binding wasn't sewn on, or the fact that there is cat hair everywhere. Imagine me singing that Dashboard Confessional song to my pets hahahhah. "Your hair is everywhere."

Cool mask purchased from Heartworm Press/The Daily Planet. Currently sold out, but keep your eyes on their site because it's killer.


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